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Saturday 5 February 2011

What is the point of this Blog?

At this stage, having not posted anything in a while, while in the mood to vent, I feel I ought to clarify my intent for any poor sod who has stumbled across this chronicle of bizarre opinionated neuroses. Basically, I am a writer searching for his 'voice', and writing blogs that aren't fully in the public domain, but are still 'out there' forces me to be at least halfway coherent, just in case someone does read it. Also, it won't hurt to have an archive of articles that record how I'm getting on at this stage in my life, to either throw away or reconstitute into something useful.
 I only got properly on the internet again about halfway through last year, having been violently set against the internet by the days of dial up, stupid fucking chatrooms and waiting half an hour to see fuzzy fucked up 5min porn pictures, etc.  I truly felt I could comfortably live the rest of my life without ever spending the night in front of a monitor, ever again. Of course, that was unrealistic, as everyone now spends a good few hours a week online:- watching TV, downloading/listening to music, checking e-mails, 'dating'/'social networking, pretending to be a simple alien weapon/toolmaker on a savage post-apocalyptic world of warrior races as part of the MMORPG community, encouraging some zit-ridden sod in Louisiana to end it all(or not), or simply monkey barring their way through pages and pages of utterly useless information. There's now a mind swirling assortment of choices on the internet, and its taking me fucking forever to decide or find out what's going to be worthwhile, and what's going to be an achingly dull and frustratingly pointless waste of time. I'm sure I'd love for everyone to be reading what i'm writing and agreeing with each other how fantastic I am, but I know in my heart that I'm not really saying anything too important at the moment, so I just keep the URL to myself for the time being. Once I'm more sure of what the fuck it is I'm actually doing(or trying to say), then I'll  attempt to lure readers in so they can get the full benefit of my whiny opining, but for now I'm happy just to 'build an archive', so if you've stumbled upon this by accident and have so little to do you've got this far, just let me say GET A LIFE